
Biological Collections in Ecology and Evolution Network (BCEENET)


Proud to announce that the Biological Collections in Ecology and Evolution Network (BCEENET) has made a contribution to Bionomia operations that helps ensure it will remain vibrant and active for the 2024 calendar year.

BCEENET brings together undergraduate educators, natural history collections professionals, education experts, data experts, and researchers to support the development, implementation, and assessment of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) using digitized natural history collections data. BCEENET CUREs increase the accessibility of undergraduate research experiences by using open access data and programs, allowing implementation with student access to only a computer and the internet. This helps expand access to CUREs at all institution types, better reaching historically excluded and underrepresented students in STEM.

See the BCEENET teaching resources on Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES).

Ebbe Nielsen Challenge

Ebbe Nielsen 2023

The enhancements made to the automated Frictionless Data packages for datasets was awarded 2nd place in the Global Biodiversity Information Facilitiy's 2023 Ebbe Nielsen Challenge. Thanks to the jury who recognized this work in support of round tripping activities and congratulations to all other winners.

Siluety taxonomických rodin

Silhouette images of taxonomic Families originate from the amazing PhyloPic developed and maintained by Mike Keesey.


Special thanks to Jennifer C. Girón Duque https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0851-6883 who translated the interface and content into Spanish, Marianna Simões https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4401-5530 who translated the interface into Portuguese, Patrick Mates into German, Yi-Ming Gan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7087-2646 into Simplified Chinese through Crowdin, and Jiří Podhorecký into Čeština.

Want to help translate into other languages? Visit https://translate.bionomia.net or click the Crowdin widget below.