Step 1: Authenticate via ORCID
Suggested details to make publicly visible in your ORCID account
- Full name a
- Published name a
- Also known as names a,b
- Biography a
- Country a
- Keywords a
- Employment a,c
- Education and qualifications a,c
Step 2: Visit the Specimens tab
Once authenticated via ORCID, Bionomia first shows you an Overview of your profile. It pulls your full name and other details (see above) from your ORCID account, which you may refresh at any time. Click the Discovered tab to see a list of candidate specimens. Much like an email inbox, Bionomia shows the number of specimens that await action. Specimen data are fully refreshed from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility every two weeks.
Step 3: Claim your specimens
Under the Discovered page of your Specimens tab, you may bulk claim all visible rows of specimens or claim single rows by clicking:
- for specimens you collected or,
- for specimens you identified or,
- Both for specimens you collected & identified
Click the "Not me" buttons to ignore all visible rows or single rows of specimen records. Make a mistake? Visit other pages in your Specimens tab such as Claimed or Ignored to repair or adjust your selections.
Step 4: Attribute specimens to others
While authenticated via ORCID, visit Help Others to search for your peers, mentors, or anyone who inspires you. Attribute specimens to them just as you claimed your own specimens. If they too have an ORCID ID, they may send you a quick thanks and these will appear in your Thanks Received tab.